The exclusive Sachin Tendulkar-branded smartphone,, will be launched on Wednesday 3rd May’17 by the former cricket star and electronics brand Smartron. The company is heavily promoting the launch event which will see Sachin Tendulkar unveiling in India.
Ready for a surprise? We're excited & can’t wait to share it with you all. #srtphone is on its way on 3rd May'17, are you ready? #TwoOfAKind
— Smartron (@smartronindia) April 28, 2017
The handset will be the second smartphone coming from Smartron, and will be the first such signatured handset. Sachin has been the brand ambassador of the Hyderabad based technology company since the beginning and is expected to be present at the launch event.
Recently Smartron appointed Amit Boni as the new Vice President for sales and marketing saying that he will be responsible for overall brand building and heading the sales and marketing functions. Boni worked with Motorola for several years as country head before he was replaced by Sudhin Mathur who used to take care of operations at Lenovo India.
Smartron India can still be considered as a new company as it only has the Smartron and the Smartron laptop-tablet hybrid under its belt. The smartphone was launched at Rs. 22,999. Prior to the phone, Smartron announced the Smartron hybrid computing device that packed in high-end innards and was priced at Rs. 39,999.
Smartron India last year had confirmed that it had received an undisclosed sum of funding from cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, who will serve as the brand ambassador of the company. The company has been founded by Mahesh Lingareddy.
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