2016 Mi Product Launch – Mi Note 2 + Mi VR + Mi Mix

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大家下午好Good afternoon everyone! 欢迎大家来参加今天的新品发布会A warm welcome to everyone who's here with us today! 今天到现场的有来自于五湖四海的米粉朋友们 你们在吗We have Mi Fans here who came from all over the place.

Are you guys here? 有全球的新闻媒体Welcome to our media colleagues 有始终支持小米的合作伙伴and partners from all over the world! 还有北大体育馆的地主 北大的同学们Our friends from Peking University are also here today.

还有小米的老员工 你们在吗And of course, colleagues from Xiaomi.

Are you guys here? 谢谢大家 谢谢Thank you for being here! 同时感谢今天正在围观直播现场的朋友们 大家好I also would like to welcome everyone who's joining us in the livestream.

小米从创办之初就坚持技术立业From the very start, technology and innovation have been the sweet spot for Xiaomi.

始终在追求性能的极致 科技的极致We've been working hard to bring technological achievements to the lives of people.

在过去这些年里面做了大量大胆的探索We never stop exploring, 有不少突破性的进展no matter how many breakthroughs we make along the way.

今天我们简单回顾一下 看看过去一两年时间里面Let's see what we've achieved 我们一些技术和工艺的突破是什么during our last 2 years.

我第一个要回顾的突破是什么呢?What is the first breakthrough that comes to mind? 是在工艺黑科技上的突破The quality with which our products are crafted.

去年年初我们发布了小米NoteIn the beginning of the last year we announced Mi Note, 全球率先使用了3D曲面玻璃the first device in the world that used 3D curved glass.

当这个产品发布以后 评价非常非常高This device got overwhelming reviews.

到今天为止And it still gets them today.

去年的话 主要是平面玻璃Last year, most phones used 2D glass.

今天的话 手机行业普及了2.

5D玻璃Today, more and more phones are transitioning to 2.

5D glass.

但是像这样的3D曲面玻璃 还非常非常少见But 3D curved glass is still a rear thing even now.

这个产品发布以后受到了媒体普遍的好评From the announcement day, Mi Note was welcomed 也受到了米粉很好的好评both by the media and our Mi Fans.

尤其是一个非常重要的评价One of the most memorable comments on Mi Note 美国知名的科技评论家莫博士是这么评价小米Note的came from Walt Mossberg, the co-founder of Recode.

他说 小米Note简直是美呆了He said that Mi Note had the kind of quality and beauty that made it a worthy rival 达到了他对苹果产品的期待程度to the best models from Apple and Samsung.

这是莫博士对中国产品的最高的评价What a great comment on a product from China! 所以小米Note率先使用3D曲面玻璃The fact that we used 3D curved glass 这种新工艺的突破才造就了这款最美的小米手机was the key for creating such a gorgeous product.

上个月我们发布了小米5sLast month we announced Mi 5s, 也是全球率先采用了超感光的相机the first phones in the world with super light-sensitive camera.

这个超感光相机是什么呢?What does it actually mean? 就是它的每个单像素的进光量比一般的手机大很多In Mi 5s, the amount of light every pixel gets is much bigger than in a regular phone.

它的感光元器件的面积也大非常多And the size of the sensor is bigger, of course.

它有多大呢?But how big? 每个单像素高达1.

55μmEvery individual pixel gets almost 1.


比iPhone 6s Plus大了61%That's 61% bigger than iPhone 6s Plus.

这也是今年以来发布的所有旗舰手机里面This makes Mi 5s a flagship phone 感光元器件最大的手机with the biggest camera sensor.

当我们在做这些科技的探索时When we were working on this, 我脑海里总是浮现这句话a quote from Karl Marx 这句话是马克思讲的kept sounding inside my head: 他说 在科学上没有平坦的大路«There is no royal road to science, 只有不畏劳苦 沿着陡峭山路攀登的人and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb 才有希望达到光明的顶点of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits» 小米从创办之初到今天为止From moment Xiaomi was created and right until now, 一直在科技探索的路上执着前行we keep pushing the boundaries 我们也拿出了一个又一个新的技术创新and bring one innovation after another.

今天的新品发布会还会给大家展示更多的技术创新And there's even more innovation waiting for you today.

那么 言归正传Let's get back to the point.

我们今天要发布的新品是小米Note 2Today we bring you Mi Note 2.

小米Note 2最重要的特点是什么呢?What is the most notable trait of Mi Note 2? 双曲面Two-sided dual curves.

谈到双曲面 可能很多人会问 什么叫双曲面呢?Many people might wonder what those are.

双曲面挺简单的 就是正面的3D曲面玻璃It's simple.

3D curved glass both in the front 配背部的3D曲面玻璃and in the back of the device.

当我们今天展示双曲面的时候What we have for you today 大家就能看到更美的小米手机is a way more beautiful Mi Phone.

当正面是3D玻璃的时候When the front is 3D glass, 机身正面圆滑过渡到侧面it curves seamlessly into the edges 更重要的是 屏幕的内容显示到了曲面上together with whatever is shown on the screen, 有效的拓展了视野的宽度thus widening the field of vision significantly.

美吗?Beautiful? 美Beautiful 它自然过渡到了侧面The glass curves seamlessly on the sides, 而且前面屏幕的内容还可以显示在这个曲面上and you still can see everything on those curves.

它的背部也是一款3D的曲面玻璃The back is also 3D curved glass.

当光线打上去的时候 流光溢彩It's got reflective, mirror-like finish.

这就是我们今天要发布的小米Note 2双曲面So, those are two-sided dual curves.

正面的3D玻璃跟背面的3D玻璃通过一个弧形的中框Metal frame connects front and back curved glass 有效地连接在一起in a balanced and symmetrical way.

有一个著名的建筑师说过这么一句话A famous architect once said 他说设计必须来自于大自然that design should always derive from nature.

大自然为人类已经创造了最美丽和独特的造型Nature has already created the most elegant and unique forms.

在大自然界是没有直线的And there are no straight lines in them, 直线属于人类 而曲线属于上帝straight lines are the attribute of humans, while the curves are traits of something bigger.

这种来自于大自然的创作灵感This was our inspiration 能让作品更好的回归大自然that brings nature to the heart of our products.

这就是我们在设计小米Note 2的时候最重要的设计灵感This is something we've been aspiring to do when we designed Mi Note 2.

小米Note 2有亮黑色Mi Note 2 comes in Piano Black.

它的这个亮黑色是来自于黑色玻璃的光泽It has intense, mirror-like finish.

当黑色玻璃在光照下流光溢彩的感觉的时候When the light reflects from the black glass, 这种亮黑非常非常的漂亮it looks really, really awesome.

我们除了有亮黑色以外 还精心制作了一种特别的颜色Besides Piano Black, there's one more special color: 叫冰川银Glacier Silver 这个冰川银的颜色在不同的光线下In different light conditions 它会反射不同的颜色效果it would reflect different colors.

当在强光下的时候 你感觉看到了天空In bright light it resembles the sky, 在暗光下的时候 你好像看到了大海and it looks like the ocean in the dark.

这就是我们设计师专门制作的冰川银的颜色This is Glacier Silver.

我们专门做了一个工艺和外观的视频来展现小米Note 2的美So here's a video that helps you appreciate its craftsmanship and true beauty.

像这么艺术品般的双曲面它是怎么做出来的呢?How this curved glass work of art was actually made? 就像著名的冰山理论一样The answer is in the good old iceberg theory.

冰山运动之雄伟壮观This magnificent masses of ice 是因为只有1/8露在水面reveal only 1/8 of them above the water.

那么 整个双曲面的背后是什么呢?So what does really stand behind the dual curves? 其实背部的3D玻璃制作起来很难The truth is, the back 3D glass was really difficult to manufacture.

但到今天为止的话是相对容易的Today, though, it's become a bit easier.

做正面的3D玻璃 的的确确很难But making the front is still quite difficult.

难在什么地方呢?In what aspect? 我简单的做了一个原理图Here's a simple explanation.

就是 我们现在所使用的LCD的玻璃,它的基材是用的玻璃The LCD screens are covered with glass substrate, 但是最重要的是 它还有一个导光板but more importantly, there are also light guides 以今天的技术水平来说 它是没有办法做成曲面的which can't be curved in the present state of technology, 假如不能做成曲面Taking this into consideration, 我们在3D的曲面玻璃直接贴合这种平面的屏what would really happen 会有一个什么样的效果呢?if we put the curved glass over the LCD screen? 大家可以想象一下Just think for a moment 它的黑边将是非常的宽how thick the bezels would be.

贴上去以后那个屏上还有边Despite the curves, the edges would still be black.

所以你要想前面板做成3D曲面So we needed the curves on the display as well.

你必须要用OLED的曲面屏或者叫OLED的柔性屏That's why we used OLED flexible display.

因为OLED这种屏幕的技术The reason is that OLED displays 它可以使用柔性的基材have a flexible substrate 而且它不需要导光 它的每个点都可以独立发光which also allows every pixel to emit light independently.

所以这样的技术特点使OLED有基础做成可以弯折的曲面屏This altogether creates the technological base for curved OLED displays.

那么这种屏幕技术也是这一两的新科技This technology is actually 1-2 years old, 所以你要想前面做成3D曲面so when you make a device with 3D curved screen, 你必须要用OLED柔性屏flexible OLED display becomes a must.

我们来看一下柔性屏是一种什么样的屏呢?How do this flexible displays look in real life? 它不是玻璃材质的 它可以随便的弯折There's no glass, you can actually bend this screen.

但以今天技术 它弯折的角度还是比较有限But today, their flexible capacity is still limited.

那么 3D的曲面玻璃配上OLED的柔性屏So what are the challenges of putting 它面临的难点是什么呢?a 3D curved glass screen over an OLED display? 是产能严重不足Extremely low production.

良品率很低Low yield.

工艺超级复杂Complex manufacturing process.

所以 目前大规模量产的压力非常大That's why mass manufacturing becomes a huge challenge.

由于这几个特点还超级贵吧Because of these factors, the price goes up and becomes extremely high.

光这个屏就得七八百块钱The display would cost around 700-800 CNY 所以整个OLED的柔性屏which makes its manufacturing in the coming 2-3 years 未来两三年供货的压力都非常大a really difficult task.

因为使用了3D的曲面玻璃再加上OLED的柔性屏But anyway, what are the pros 它有一个天然的好处是什么呢?of combining 3D curved glass with an OLED display? 是它的屏占比特别特别的大Huge screen-to-body ratio.

它跟其它手机相比的话If we compare it to some other major models, 它的屏占比达到了惊人的77.

2%we'll get the astonishing figure of 77.


因为它可以显示在曲面上Because all the edges are active, 在同样尺寸的手机上Mi Note 2 can show you even more 它可以显示更多的内容compared to other phones.

那么它的屏幕可以做到多大呢?So how large the screen can be then? 它可以做到5.


7 inches.


5寸屏It has the size of a 5.

5 inch screen phone, 在同样的大小下小米Note 2做到了5.

7寸屏but its screen is 5.

7 inches.

那么 小米Note 2采用的是5.

7寸屏的柔性屏To sum it up, Mi Note 2 has the 5.

7 inch screen 这个是OLED的技术with OLED display.

同时它也拥有小米在屏幕上的非常多的创新和技术But there are quite a lot of innovations made possible by Xiaomi as well.

我们一条一条来看一看Let's take a look: 比如说它的NTSC到了110%110% NTSC color gamut, 它的对比度做到了100,000:1100,000:1 contrast ratio, 它也有阳光屏Sunlight Display Pro, 还有护眼模式and Reading mode.

这些模式都是小米在过去几年里面研发的一些技术特色We've been developing these features in Xiaomi for the last couple of years.

在艺术品般的双曲面背后Behind this curved glass work of art 是对科技的执着探索are many technological advances.

一面科技 一面艺术It's art and technology put together.

在想表达小米Note 2的这个科技与艺术的时候When I thought about this powerful combo, 我想到了我最喜欢的一位影星I remembered my favorite movie star, 梁朝伟先生Tony Leung Chiu-wai.

我觉得他既是偶像派更是实力派He's not only got the looks, but he's also a true professional.

今年我们拿着我们小米Note 2的作品When we asked him to be 去邀请梁朝伟先生代言的时候the spokesman for Mi Note 2, 他看到我们这样的作品以后he agreed as soon as he saw the device, 他欣然的同意了right away, 拍了帅帅的广告片and we made a beautiful commercial together.

所以梁先生极有魅力He's really charming! 我最喜欢梁先生的电影是什么呢What's my favorite movie with him? 是《一代宗师》«The Grandmaster» of course.

我为什么喜欢《一代宗师》呢Why do I like it? 梁朝伟先生作为实力派的话As a real professional, 我觉得他的实力来源于他对演艺事业的热爱Tony truly loves his craftsmanship 来源于他无比的投入and always pushes the limits of what a person can do for a role.

为了演好一代宗师To play the Grandmaster, 他认真地练了三年咏春拳he spent 3 years in martial arts training.

我觉得这点非常非常了不起Such diligence is extremely rare.

而且这部电影有句台词And there's also a line in this movie 一直激励着我which inspired me greatly.

这句台词叫It goes like this: 念念不忘 必有回响«Never give up the faith.

Keep the light burning».

就是做什么事情都要执着We should truly believe in what we do.

下面我们再看一遍梁朝伟先生为小米Note 2拍的广告片Let's take a look at the Mi Note 2 commercial starring Tony Leung Chiu-wai.

就像经典的冰山理论It's like an iceberg 第一眼看到的美First, you see the beauty 只是全部创作的八分之一But it's just a small part of the whole 美的一面Behind the beauty 是因为另一面了不起的探索are the endless revelations 艺术品般的曲面设计Behind the elegant curves 背后是创新的柔性屏科技is meticulous design and innovation 小米Note 2双曲面Mi Note 2 一面科技 一面艺术Art and technology put together 我相信你们有更强的呼声是I'm expecting a huge round of applause 下面隆重邀请梁朝伟because I'm about to give the stage to Tony! 来 欢迎梁先生Welcome Mr.

Leung! 雷总 您好Hello Mr.

Lei! 大家好Hi everyone! 我的心情和大家一样非常非常的激动I'm as excited as you guys.

其实有这么一个机会的话And I'd like to use this opportunity 我想问梁朝伟先生几个问题to ask Tony a couple of questions.

当我们拿着小米Note 2来找您代言的时候When we approached you with this offer 您看了这个产品to be the spokesman for Mi Note 2, 您当时是什么感觉what were your impressions of the product? 很酷It was cool.

谢谢 谢谢Thanks, man! 特别是那个双曲面的设计我觉得很酷What was especially cool was the curved design.

然后 很有创新And that amount of innovation! 跟我一起拍这个广告的时候When we shot the commercial, 有很多机会拿着这个手机I took it for a spin.

我觉得拿起来在手上那个感觉也很好It feels really nice in your hands, 很漂亮and it's very beautiful.

因为我昨天才拿到你这个新产品I just got my Mi Note 2 yesterday, 所以还没有机会用来拍照so I haven't taken a lot of photos with it yet, 但我听说照片出来是很漂亮的but from what I hear they should look amazing.

谢谢Thanks! 我听说您也特别喜欢滑雪I heard you like skiing 我也是滑雪的爱好者just like myself, 你也很爱旅游and you travel a lot.


您用手机经常来拍照吗?Do you take photos with your phone? 也会啊Sure.

尤其是我滑雪的时候Especially when I go skiing, 因为我比较怕带很多东西在身上because I usually don't bring much stuff with me then, 所以我就用手机拍so the phone comes in handy.

所以如果有那个防抖的功能就最好So if there's image stabilization, it's really cool.

其实我是非常喜欢今天这个主题What I really like is the today's slogan.

就是一面科技一面艺术Art and technology put together.

其实我觉得科技跟艺术I really think that art and technology 同样都是一样are the same.

小米Note 2这一次让我感觉除了艺术那一面以外Behind the art of Mi Note 2 我也看到其实很多成功背后是需要很多付出跟努力there's a tremendous amount of effort and dedication, 我觉得我看到它另外一面就是对科技的不停探索跟创新as well as perseverance to explore new technologies.

OK 谢谢OK,Thank you! 我就不问了Enough with me, 我代表大家问两个问题 行吗?I'll ask a couple of questions from you guys.

好OK 在这之前 我调查了一下Before the event I learned that 在我们小米的粉丝群里面a lot of our Mi Fans in social media 有很多人也是您的粉丝are also your fans.

我就在小米社区里面问大家So I asked them 你们最想问什么问题?what they would like to ask you.

我收集了两个问题They came up with two questions.

第一个问题比较八卦啊The first one is a bit silly.

说网上有个关于您很出名的段子There's a clip of you online 就是去伦敦喂鸽子的事情where you feed the pigeons in London.

大家很好奇Everybody is curious 你真的去了吗?whether you really went there.

你说呢?What do you think? 我最近在罗马I've been in Rome lately.

我是觉得有点不信的A bit hard to believe! 下一次我用小米Note 2拍一个照片给你看I'll take a picture with Mi Note 2 next time and send it to you.

OK 第二个问题就说Here's the second question.

您的经典电影非常非常的多So many of your movies have become classics.

您觉得小米Note 2的气质更像您哪一部电影?Which one of them resembles you Mi Note 2? 括号 这是真的米粉问的啊Disclaimer! This question is from a real Mi Fan! 我觉得应该有两部I think there are two movies.

我觉得一面是《一代宗师》«The Grandmaster» 一面是《花样年华》and «In the Mood for Love».

就是一面是科技 一面是艺术Technology and art put together.

我相信今天到场的很多人是冲着您来的I guess many people here 都想跟您合影would like to take a picture with you.

但是我估计您很难满足大家的需求But looks like you won't be able to satisfy all their needs.

要不我代表大家跟梁先生一起合个影How about I take a picture with you for us all? 好不好Is that OK? 你回头可以把我P掉嘛 对吧?You'll just replace me in Photoshop afterwards, right? 我就是当个模特而已 好吗?I'll be your green screen, OK? 好 梁先生我们合个影啊Come on Tony, let's do this.

好 谢谢啊 谢谢Thank you! 梁先生您的魅力真的是不得了Tony, your charm is really compelling! 很多人都是您的影迷Lots of your fans here! 谢谢啊 谢谢Thank you so much! 好 我们掌声感谢梁朝伟先生Let's give a round of applause to Mr.

Leung! 谢谢Thank you! 刚才梁先生给我们一起展示了小米Note 2So, Tony showed us Mi Note 2.

真的非常漂亮Isn't it beautiful? 我先给大家看一下正面I'll show you the front.

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整个侧面也非常薄Look how thin it is! 背面流光溢彩Mirror-like back is also gorgeous.

整个手机非常轻盈This phone is very elegant.

这就是冰川银The color is Glacier Silver.

它在不同的颜色下It makes Mi Note 2 look different 整个的手机的体现是不一样的in different light.

小米Note 2定位成商务旗舰It's a flagship phone 它也使用了骁龙821的旗舰处理器equipped with Snapdragon 821 CPU.

可能很多人对骁龙821不太了解A lot of people may not know what it actually means.

骁龙821是骁龙820的一个升级版Snapdragon 821 is the upgraded Snapdragon 820 processor.

高通公司在这款处理器上做了两个升级Qualcomm made 2 major improvements here.

第一个升级是在同样的主频下Having the same clock speed, 他们追求更省电 更强的续航this CPU gives enhanced performance and better battery life.

这样的话 对于5寸左右的小屏手机来说This is really important 其实这个功能很重要For the devices with 5-inch screens.

因为小屏手机的电量相对会少一些There isn't much room for battery in them, 这个时候续航的压力特别大so battery life becomes crucial at this point.


15寸的小屏旗舰Being a 5.

15 flagship, Mi 5s went for the standard option 它选了续航版to increase battery life 像Google的Pixel手机也选了续航版just like Google's new flagship Pixel.

那么 小米Note 2是5.

7寸的大屏旗舰Mi Note 2 has a 5.

7-inch screen, 我们在大屏旗舰上选了性能版so we were able to go for the increased performance 其实我们在9月份发布的小米5s Plus也选的是性能版just like we did in Mi 5s Plus in September.

这两种不同的升级方向是适应不同的需求的These two upgrade options are aimed at devices with different requirements.

我们最高配备了6GB的内存和128GB的存储We gave Mi Note 2 up to 6GB of memory and 128GB of storage.

内存我们是用的LPDDR4LPDDR4 dual-channel RAM 存储我们用的是UFS 2.

0and UFS 2.

0 ROM 这些都是最新的技术are also the latest advancements of technology.

电池配了4070mAh的大电量This phone also has a 4070mAh high-capacity battery 也支持了Quick Charge 3.

0which supports Quick charge 3.


更重要的是我们支持了全功能的NFCWe also support full NFC functionality: 它既能够支持银行卡支付bank card payments 也支持公交卡and bus cards as well.

但公交卡的适配需要点时间We need to make some adjustments for bus cards, though.

在初期发布的时候They will be done during the first month 可能需要一个月左右的时间来研调after the start of the sales.

也希望米粉同学们买了新的手机I hope Mi Fans who buy this new phone 也稍微等个半个月一个月就全部支持了can wait for a couple of weeks for this feature.

同时它支持HD的高清音质There's also HD audio quality 它支持192kHz/24bit的高清音乐with 192kHz/24bit lossless playback support.

这个品质的标准达到了Hi-Fi的标准Hi-Fi sound, guys! 同时它的GPS高精度的定位There's also high-precision GPS 它内置了SAP的辅助定位with built-in SAP.

这个辅助定位有什么好处呢?Why do we use sensor-assisted positioning? 使用GPS的人都有一个痛苦All people who use GPS know this: 过隧道的时候说whenever you go into a tunnel, 对不起 GPS无信号you hear, «Sorry, GPS signal not found».

有了SAP的辅助定位系统With sensor-assisted positioning, 它不通过天上的卫星you'll be able to navigate 也能帮你定位了even when there's no direct connection to the satellites.

过隧道的时候有信号Signal won't be lost in tunnels 这就是整个小米Note 2Mi Note 2 作为一款商务旗舰所拥有的最强悍的配置has top-notch specs, 这是今天市场上最强悍的配置了it's on top of the game today.

我就不展开一条一条讲了There's no need to talk about every little thing.

关于梁朝伟先生很在意的拍照Tony said he liked taking photos with his phone.

这一次This time 我们首先做了2256万像素的高解析度的相机we have a 22.

56MP high-resolution camera.

今天的手机(指相机)在走两个方向Smartphone cameras today evolve in two directions.

第一个走高解析度Some prefer resolution 这样的话 它的细节比较多to capture more details.

另外一个 像小米5s 它走了色彩精度 暗光拍照Others improve color rendering and low-light photography 走了画质这条路线to boost the overall image quality.

它是两条路线These are the two major directions.

我们的小米5s用的是高感光的相机Mi 5s has took the latter path, 在小米Note 2上采用了高精度的相机While Mi Note 2 opted for the high resolution.

当它的这个像素点越多With a larger pixel count 它记录的信息就越多there's so much more information it can record, 它的解析率就越高which results in higher resolution.

我们来看一下Let's have a look.

像这样的一张原始大小的样片This original image will still be exceptionally clear 就是你放大4倍来看的时候after you zoom in 4 times.

非常的精细Look at the amount of detail! 就当它的解析力高的时候All this resolution 它的细节是极为清晰的allows to grasp those amazing details.

小米Note 2 加了防抖There's image stabilization as well.

但是 不是光学防抖Not optical, though, 它加了EIS电子防抖but electronic.

它在拍摄4K的视频的时候You can see how good it is 防抖效果非常的出色when you shoot 4K videos.

它的原理是什么呢?Why is it so good? 它增加了一个独立的三轴陀螺仪Because of the dedicated 3-axis gyroscope.

在相机里面加了一个陀螺仪The one just for the camera.

然后通过算法的方式来防抖It detects jitter very fast and compensates in real time.

它的效果怎么样呢?How does it look? 我们拍了一段视频We've shot a video.

这边是支持EIS的视频防抖Here's EIS in action, 这边是不带防抖的and this one is not stabilized at all.

所以当你一边滑雪So whenever you ski 你走路拍视频的时候or just walk in the street and shoot a video, 这个效果非常非常明显you'll get a very smooth result.

这就是我们前两天用小米Note 2实拍的We've shot this video a couple of days ago with Mi Note 2.

所以小米Note 2支持了电子防抖的技术So, that's the image stabilization.

我们这一次也请了摄影师We asked our photographers 到了一个非常美丽的地方去拍了样片to take some pictures in beautiful places.

这个地方叫摩洛哥This is a beautiful shot 这是在摩洛哥拍的样片taken in Morocco.

在摩洛哥的海边Here's a young guy walking into the sunset 一个年轻人迎着夕阳 踏在退潮以后的海边on the beach after the tide went out.

非常的漂亮Really amazing.

这是摩洛哥街边的街景This one is a street snap 有个小店铺里在卖各种各样的民族的产品of a small souvenir shop.

就是五颜六色 色彩斑斓的盘子Look at the bursting colors on these plates! 这个色彩的表达力也很好The colors look gorgeous.

这一张是一个小孩在宝蓝色的街道This is a boy in an electric blue alleyway.

其实看着这个照片Looking at this photo, 我就特别想去摩洛哥看一看I really wanted to go to Morocco myself 他们把街道怎么涂成了宝蓝色to see this.

而且居然还有这样的颜色的街道 砖红色的街道Look at the stunning terracotta walls here.

这一个人酷酷的样子How cool this person looks among these colors! 其实我看了半天 不知道是一位男士还是一位女士I couldn't even understand if it was a man or a woman at first.

这是街拍的These are the street snaps.

在小米Note 2这款手机里面In Mi Note 2 we've also improved 我们在自拍上也有一些创新the way you take selfies.

这次我们支持了800万像素的前置相机The fact that we have an 8MP camera in the front 这个其实没啥isn't surprising.

但是我们要解决一个问题But we solved another problem.

就是自拍很容易拍虚You see, selfies often end up blurry.

你可能看上去是清楚的 一放大是虚的At first, they may seem crisp, but the second you zoom in, 原因是什么呢?you start seeing how blurry they get.

今天的自拍 都没有自动对焦Front cameras in smartphones today don't normally have autofocus.

它只能在固定的位置才能拍出清晰的照片You can take sharp photos only from a fixed distance.

所以这一次我们加了自动对焦That's why we decided to add autofocus to the front camera, 加完自动对焦以后so that your selfies would look clear 你在每一个角度拍出来都是清晰的From whatever distance you take them.

在自拍合影的时候 我们还做了一个很有趣的功能 叫合影优选We've optimized group selfies as well.

就是自拍的时候 它连续拍多张It takes multiple photos now… 大家注意看 第二张那个人就闭眼睛了Look, see how the guy on the second one closed his eyes? 它连续拍多张 挑选每一张照片里面每个人最美的表情Then it chooses each person's best expression 然后自动合成and stitches the final image together.

最后展现一张这样的照片And this is the result we get.

这是拍合影的时候的痛点啊This is the problem of group selfies: 因为总有人闭眼睛there's always a guy who closes his eyes.

像我这种人一拍照就闭眼睛了Just like me.

这个功能对我特别合适This is a great feature for me.

这就是非常彪悍的小米Note 2的相机That's the magnificent camera of Mi Note 2.

它的主相机 2256万像素The rear camera is a 22.

56MP one.

我就跟我们的工程师说 为什么不写2300万像素呢?I asked my engineers, why not 23MP? 他们说小心广告法 我说友商怎么都写的2300呢?They said, it's because of the advertising law.

Why does everyone else say they have 23MP cameras? 他说我们管不了友商They said, let's not compare ourselves to others.

最后我没办法了 我就在包装上写2200So that's it, we've written 22MP on the box, 然后发布会就讲2256and are talking about 22.

56MP during the launch.

2256能写2300万像素吗?Can we really round it to 23MP? 因为有时候你写不了那么长 你就会写上23MPSometimes there's not enough space, you have to write 23MP.

最后我们公司的律师坚决反对写23MPBut then our lawyers opposed it 最后我只好写2256了and we had to go with 22.


但是这几乎是今天旗舰手机里面解析率最高的相机But be sure, that's the highest resolution in a flagship phone today.

是今年发布的As of this year.

前置(相机)也是旗舰手机里面不多的 支持自动对焦的And there aren't that many front cameras with autofocus as well.

十一刚过 我不知道大家十一期间What was your favorite feature in Mi Phones 最喜欢小米手机的哪个功能?that you used during the National Day Golden Week? 有很多人跟我反馈 他最喜欢小米漫游 为啥呢?A lot of people tell me that was Mi Roaming.

Why? 因为十一期间 出境游 每天9.

9元 不限流量Because you get unlimited data for just 9.

9 CNY when you go abroad.

这样的话 我们去世界各地都免于了对流量的恐惧There's no more fear of going offline wherever you go.

我们来看一下 无论是在港澳 还是在日本 还是在台湾It doesn't matter if you go to Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, 还是去欧洲 还是去美国 还是新加坡 都是9.

9元1天or Europe, America, and Singapore.

You always get your data for 9.

9 CNY per day.

所以 你不需要在机场去租一个Wi-FiThere's no need to look for Wi-Fi in the airports 也不要去目的国去买个SIM卡or buy local SIM cards.

就直接搞定了The problem is solved.

它的原理是怎么样呢?How is it done? 原理是直接从空中给你发一个虚拟的SIM卡Whenever you go abroad, your Mi Phone creates a virtual SIM card 你的双卡双待的手机的另外一张卡 就变成了当地的卡so that your second SIM card becomes a local one, 就可以用当地的资费来上网and you can use the services of the local carriers.

有这个功能 出境游和出国的商务都方便了很多With this feature, traveling and business trips have become much easier.

在十一期间 我也看到了一些吐槽But I also saw some comments during the Golden week 说这个问题解决了 出境上网手机用不了4Gwhere people said that they still couldn't connect to LTE networks abroad.

说我明明买了4G手机 为什么到国外用不了4G?They said, «We've bought a 4G phone, why can't it connect to LTE networks?» 这一点可能很多人不了解A lot of people may not understand this, 全球有非常多的4G频段but there are lots of LTE bands around the world.

国内卖的手机 是完整的支持所有国内的4G频段的The phones you buy in China support all local LTE bands 但不表示支持了出境 你的目的地的4G频段but they may not necessarily support the bands at your travel destination.

所以这一点也是很多人的抱怨That's why many people complained 说 谁能不能出一个全球频段呢?and asked for a phone with global band support.

今天我们很高兴跟大家分享 我们做了全球频段We finally made it.

这个我们做了6模37频There are 6 types of bands we support now, 37 bands total.

可能这个统计口径不一样The way we calculated may seem a bit different.

我们采用的是多数手机公司 苹果啊三星啊We looked at Apple, Samsung, and other brands, 用的统计方法 叫6模37频的全球频段and chose 37 bands of 6 types.

上面有所有频段的名字These are the band names.

如果这个看不清楚 我可以给大家展开看If you can't see them clearly, here's another slide.

就支持了这么多的频段 下面灰掉的是还没有支持的These are the bands we support now, the ones below aren't supported yet.

原因有几类 主要的一个原因是 有些频段没有人用The reason for that is that some bands aren't used at all, 有些频段用的人很少and others are extremely rare.

与中国销售的旗舰手机对比Compared to other phones in China, 小米Note 2的全球频段已经是全球最好水平Mi Note 2 has the best band support now.

我们来看一下 华为P9 Plus最高支持了32个频段Let's have a look: Huawei P9 Plus has 32 bands, Galaxy S7支持了30个频段Samsung Galaxy S7 supports 30, iPhone 7 Plus支持了37个频段iPhone 7 Plus has 37 bands 小米Note 2支持了37个频段as well as Mi Note 2.

在这款手机里面我们也支持了600Mbps的高速4G+We also have support for 600Mbps LTE+ networks here.

这里边也有一个新的技术 叫3xCAThere's also a new technology called 3xCA in Mi Note 2.

这个3xCA是什么意思呢?What is it? 是3频段的CA 就是它可以在3个频段上做CA的通讯It's a tri-band carrier aggregation communication technology.

它的速率最高可达600MbpsThe speed gets up to 600Mbps with it on board.

所以 有了小米漫游 再加上全球频段With Mi Roaming and global band support 你无论是出国 旅行 还是商务 都可以免于对流量的恐惧you'll always be connected no matter where you travel.

都可以用手机用的非常舒服The technology of Mi Note 2 这就是我们今天介绍的小米Note 2的通讯功能makes communication fast and seamless.

价钱多少钱呢?What's the price then? 像这么好的一部手机Mi Note 2 is so good 我们再密密麻麻回顾一下we just have to take a closer look here.

首先它是今天最彪悍的旗舰手机It's the best flagship device out there now, 大家这点不容置疑 它是最彪悍的配置no reason to doubt it with such specs.

它的标准配置是4GB的内存 64GB的存储The basic version is the 4GB+64GB one, 还有6+128的配置and there's also a 6GB+128GB option.

那么今天的小米Note 2With Mi Note 2, 我们小米坚持做感动人心 价格厚道的产品we wanted to make a great device that could be affordable.

但是这款产品的成本和做工是非常精致的But it also required a lot of effort and technological input.

当然价钱我们也尽可能厚道了We kept the price as low as we could.

这个比小米5s最贵就贵在前后的3D玻璃和柔性屏上了Compared to Mi 5s, it all went into the 3D curved glass and flexible display.

其他的两个版本的话 如果你需要6+128 3299If you want a 6GB+128GB version, it's 3299 CNY, 如果你需要全球版的话 3499and 3499 CNY is the global band version 因为全球版这些频段的支持又增加了一两百块钱的成本because band support also takes couple of hundred CNY to have.

所以这就是我们今天介绍的小米Note 2的价钱.

That's the price of Mi Note 2.

还有很多人喜欢这个冰川银的版本A lot of people like the Glacier Silver version, 这个版本可能要稍微等一段时间 等两三周才能上市it will be available in a couple of weeks.

第一波上的是亮黑版Piano Black will be out there from the start.

我们去年年底成立了小米探索实验室At the end of last year we created our Mi Explorer Lab.

选择了其中一个方向叫小米VROur first endeavor was Mi VR.

他们先做一个简易版的VR眼镜At first, we released a very simple headset 叫玩具板 让大家体验一下 49元which looked like a toy and cost only 49 CNY.

没想到一发布以后非常受米粉欢迎We couldn't imagine how successful it would become.

两个月不到的时间内就卖了40多万台Within 2 months Mi Fans bought more than 40,000 units.

今天我们要发布的是小米VR眼镜的正式版Today we announce the full-feature Mi VR.

那么正式版是什么样子的呢?What does it look like? 我们来看一下Let's see.

我们这个VR眼镜跟玩具版比As compared to our previous model, this headset 增加了硬件级的运动传感器is equipped with a hardware-level motion sensor.

它的灵敏度增加了16倍It's 16 times more sensitive.

第二个 我们用了一系列的科技There's even more improvement, 最重要的目标是达到了16ms(毫秒)的超低延迟as the latency in Mi VR is as low as 16ms now.

这是在使用手机的VR眼镜里面 算是最高的水平吧This is the top level for the present-day smartphone VR.

它的延迟越低 人使用VR眼镜的眩晕感就越小The lower latency is, the less motion sickness you get while using it.

所以这个指标是小米VR眼镜里面最重要的This feature is the most important in Mi VR.

使用VR眼镜的痛苦是不好操纵VR headsets are also often difficult to operate.

所以我们专门设计了一个九轴的体感手柄that's why we've added a 9-axis motion controller, 这个体感手柄还支持触摸touch controls are there as well.

所以我们除了做这个眼镜以外So, apart from the headset, 还配了一个九轴的体感手柄you also have touch controls.

这就是整个VR的界面This is what we have on the software side.

我们已经支持了非常多的内容Lots of content, 包括超过500G的全景视频More than 500GB of panoramic videos, 30多个VR的应用and 30+ VR apps.

以及200多个开发者在小米VR上开始研发各种各样的应用Besides that, more than 200 developers are working right now on the VR apps.

像这么漂亮的VR眼镜 多少钱呢?How much is this beautiful thing? 价格 一如既往 非常厚道 199块人民币A great price as always, just 199 CNY.

好 这就是我们要发布的VR眼镜 我拿实物给大家看一下Let me show you the real thing now.

他支持的机型就是包括小米5 小米5s 小米5s plus,小米Note 2It's compatible with Mi 5, Mi 5s, Mi 5s Plus, and Mi Note 2.

支持小米这四款手机Four Mi Phone models total.

设计也非常精致 制作非常精致Its design is cool, it's pretty well made, 尤其是增加了一个遥控的手柄and there's a controller that goes with it.

这也是今天市场上在这个价位里面制作最精良In its price category, it gives you everything 性能最好的VR眼镜virtual reality can give right now.

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我觉得VR的技术正在一步一步成熟Virtual reality is still evolving, 喜欢的米粉朋友们也可以买一台 回去玩一玩 体验一下but you can experience it right now.

可能有更多的人没有体验过For those who are new to VR, 所以我就请我们市场部制作了一段VR的视频we've made a special video 让大家通过平面的视频来体验一下VR的感觉which can give you only a hint what VR looks like.

两年前我第一次玩VR的时候 是非常非常震撼的I was really impressed when I tried VR two years ago.

但我觉得VR还需要3到5年才能真正的技术成熟然后普及But I still think it needs 3 to 5 years to grow into something substantial, 但今天的体验已经超乎想象even though it exceeds our expectations today.

所以小米在探索黑科技的道路上一直在执着前行That's why Xiaomi always thinks about innovation and moving forward 而且这个探索的过程中永无止境的and never stops exploring.

今天我们回想一下Do you remember when Steve Jobs 乔布斯发布iPhone的时候是哪年?introduced the first iPhone? 是2007年1月9日 就差不多10年前It happened on September 1, 2007.

Almost 10 years ago.

他重新定义智能手机以后After he reimagined the smartphone, 这十年我们每个人用的手机其实都是长得这样的every phone started to look like this, and it hasn't changed in 10 years.

这就是一个时代的选择This was the choice of that time.

站在今天这个节点上But can we think for a moment, 想像一下未来十年会是什么样呢?how will phones look in the coming decade? 未来的手机会什么样呢?What is the phone of the future? 有人跟我说 十年后也许没有 未来也许没有手机了Somebody told me there won't be one.

No smartphones in the future.

我跟他说不可能I don't think that's possible.

我相信未来十年 手机依然是每个人最重要的设备A smartphone will still be the most important thing for every person in the next 10 years.

那么未来的手机随着技术的进步 它会怎么突破呢?So how will smartphones catch up with technological advances? 可能浮现在大家脑海里的I guess the image of a phone 往往就是在科幻电影看到的那样from sci-fi movies is in pretty much everybody's head.

是不是这样的?Will it look like this? 未来的手机就是一块透明的玻璃A piece of transparent glass 它全部是屏幕 然后它可以显示无限的内容that shows you anything without limits.

是这样的吗?Like this right? 但是 以今天的技术 我们肯定做不到Of course, we can't still make it today.

但是 未来屏占比会越来越高 屏幕会越来越大But screen-to body ratio will keep growing, and screens will get bigger and bigger.

这肯定是发展的趋势This is how smartphone evolution works.

小米也一直在探索未来手机发展的方向Xiaomi never stops thinking in this direction.

在几年前我们就开始设计 制作小米概念手机For the last couple of years we've been working on our Mi Concept Phone.

今天取得了一些阶段的成果And we have some results today 拿出来跟我们米粉朋友一起分享to share with our Mi Fans.

我们今天要发布的概念手机 它长得什么样子的呢?What does the concept phone we announce today look like? 我们来看一看Here it is.

它是一块黑黑的玻璃Black glass.

大家试着点亮屏幕But lets light up the screen.

这已经今天技术所能做到的极限This is the limit we reach with the technology of today.

它几乎全部是屏幕It looks like there's just the screen.

假如我们横过来看 可能会更震撼It's even more amazing if we put it on the side.

就会是这样的屏占比Look how big the screen is! 所以小米的概念手机So what breakthrough do we have 我们在选择的第一突破点是什么技术呢?in our concept phone? 叫全面屏 就是全面板全是屏幕Edgeless design.

Edge-to-edge screen 这就是我们探索的方向was our goal.


3%的屏占比The 91.

3% screen-to-body ratio 这已经这个星球上的最高纪录了is the new record for this planet! 我相信未来的方向 肯定就是大家不断地逼近99.

9%I believe, in the future everyone will try to reach 99.


我觉得100%是不可能的I don't think 100% is possible.

大家努力的方向一定就是怎么This is what people will work on: 在更高屏占比的路上去推进increasing screen-to-body ratio.

为什么需要下面的这条黑条呢? 我待会儿才再讲Why do we still need this black thing down there? I'll tell you a bit later.

当你使用全面屏以后呢 它的屏占比超高But the screen we already have is extremely big.

我们再回顾一下iPhone ruled the past ten years 苹果手机的屏占比是67.

7% 这个是过去10年的手机with 67.

7% screen-to-body ratio.

我相信未来10年一定是长得像我们这样一样I believe that phones in the coming decade 屏占比越来越高will look more and more like this one.

当你使用这种全面屏手机When you hold this phone in your hand, 你内心有一种非常强的感觉 仿佛握着全世界it's feels almost like the whole world is on your palm.

后来 我试着用这个手机看一些图片Browsing photos is just amazing.

比如说看上海东方明珠Shanghai's Oriental Pearl.

漂亮吗?Isn't it beautiful? 就是你仿佛握着全世界The whole world in your hand.

这是东京的天空之树This is Sky Tree in Tokyo.

这是纽约的帝国大厦And this is Empire State Building.

使用这样的屏幕感觉是不是非常不一样Isn't it a completely different experience? 我第一次点亮屏幕的时候 心中无比地激动When the screen lights up for the first time, you get overwhelmed.

非常非常的壮观It's really magnificent.

因为做成全面屏以后 在相当于iPhone 7 PlusWith this technology, we were able to fit a 6.

4-inch display 这么大小手机里面 我们做到了惊人的6.

4”屏in the phone similar to iPhone 7 Plus in size.

其实它跟iPhone 7 Plus的大小差不多Almost the same size, 但是它的屏幕大了整整23%but the screen is 23% bigger.

就是它把上面的额头 下面 左边右边全剪掉了We got rid of all the bezels on four sides.


4”屏 我们看书的时候We can read with bigger fonts now 字大了很多 显示的内容也多了很多and see even more content.

我们看地图的时候 导航的时候We see more detail on maps 它的细节也多了非常多while we're navigating.

我们看视频的时候 视频的内容也变大了很多We can watch videos on a much bigger screen.

这就是我们今天要发布的 小米概念手机This is the concept phone we announce today.

这么酷的一部手机 我们要给它一个很酷的名字Of course, this cool phone needs a cool name.

叫MIX手机Meet Mi MIX.

它就是MI 加X 就是代表小米探索黑科技It's Mi with an X which stands for our technology breakthroughs.

整个MIX的品牌定义的话 我们花了很长时间We've spent a long time to define this brand.

我们用一个视频来给大家介绍一下品牌来历Here's a video about the origins 和我们的想法and the thinking behind Mi MIX.

Curiosity always ignites our heart.

When something isn't visible, we want to see it more.

We look for answers to the things we don't know.

The more we fear, the more inviting is the road ahead.

We always want to prove that the most unbelievable is possible.

This curiosity opens the doors to the world around us.

It's not just the screen that we hold in our hands, but the door to the future.


Edgeless concept phone.

所以小米在创办5-6年的时间里面We've been exploring new technologies 一直在黑科技的探索的路上for 5-6 years now.

那么这个探索不是一件很容易的事情It wasn't always easy.

可能刚才大家看我们这部手机觉得挺简单的Maybe this phone looks really simple to you, 但是跟今天的手机比一下 它是非常非常地不一样but it's really different from other devices on the market today.

它没有今天手机的额头了There's no forehead we're so used to.

也没有额头上的这两个孔和一个横线The familiar two holes and the horizontal line disappeared.

是吧?Right? 其实额头里面还有很多东西There's lot's of other stuff in the forehead, 我就不展开讲了I won't waste your time by naming every little thing.

看到这样的MIX手机以后 第一反应是什么呢?What's the first reaction of people who see Mi MIX for the first time? 听筒和距离感应器还有前置相机去哪儿呢?Where did the receiver, proximity sensor, and front camera go? 中间是听筒 上面是光线感应器和距离感应器See, the receiver is in the center, and the sensors are right above it.

左边的孔是前置相机And the front camera is on the left.

可能很多消费者不太明白 距离感应器是干嘛用的?A lot of people don't know why a phone needs a proximity sensor, 这个距离感应器对智能手机很重要but it's very important for a mobile device.

你在接电话的时候 系统要判断你在接电话When we answer a call, the phone has to understand that 然后把屏幕关掉 这样避免误触and turn off the screen so we don't press anything we don't need.

所以距离感应器是用来避免误触的That's what proximity sensor is used for.

这三个功能都很重要 包括后面还有天线This 3 things are very important, 很多东西在前额头上but there are antennas and many other things up there as well.

当我们上面全是屏幕的时候Look, when we have so much screen, 注意屏幕后面还有一块金属板there's still a metal frame behind it 这样信号天线是从这里出不来的which blocks the antenna's signal, 所以整个的制作难度都很高so we get another obstacle.

我们首先给大家回答一些简单的问题I'll answer the simple questions first.

就是这些常见 可见的功能去哪儿了呢?Where did the familiar stuff go? 第一个 听筒消失了First, the receiver is gone.

没有听筒怎么接电话呢?But how do you listen to calls without a receiver? 我们在3年前就开始探索无听筒的传声技术We started to figure out how to transmit sound without a receiver 3 years ago 没有听筒以后怎么能够把声音传导because there has to be sound coming from somewhere after all.

我们花了3年时间It took us 3 years 最后采用这种先进的技术 叫悬臂式压电陶瓷导声to finally implement cantilever piezoelectric ceramics.

这个技术名字挺复杂的This name is a bit difficult.

我给大家讲一下简单的原理I'll explain it to you in a simpler way.

就是驱动单元把电信号通过压电陶瓷转成机械能Digital snalog converter would turn the electric signal into mechanical energy 这个机械能就是振动点击using piezoelectric ceramic, 然后把它传导给手机的中框which will make the metal frame of the phone vibrate 然后通过形成共振再把声音传给你的耳朵and generate the sound which goes to your ear.

这个技术复杂吗?A complex technology, right? 假如这个技术成熟以后再加上把成本降下来When this technology matures enough for the price to go down 我们前面额头上很难看的听筒孔就可以消失了we won't see the ugly receiver in the front ever again.

所以这个探索对整个手机行业来说 都是非常有价值的That's why this technology is extremely valuable for the phone industry, 也是在今天市场里面and we happen to be the pioneers 率先使用了无听筒的传声技术的手机of implementing it.

第二个 这个功能很小但是很重要叫距离感应器Proximity sensor is very small but extremely important 没有距离感应器以后 最痛苦的是 手机没办法识别Without it, your phone can't really understand 你是不是在接电话if you're in the middle of a call or not.

它是靠距离感应器识别的This is how proximity sensor works.

原来的距离感应器是用的红外 有个黑孔Originally it's composed of an infrared sensor placed in a hole.

我们现在改成超声波We replaced it with ultrasound.

在边框上发射超声波来识别Ultrasonic distance sensor does the job now.

这个超声波的原理就是 它发射超声波然后进行距离探测It shoots out ultrasound and understands how far the objects is from the screen.

这个原理很简单 听上去也很容易做It sound like it's super easy to do.

但是做到距离的精准测试 精准控制However, to get a precise sensor that uses this technology 不是一件很容易的事情is extremely hard.

我们也前后做了两年多时间We needed 2 years for that.

小米MIX也是率先内置超声波发射器的手机Mi MIX is also the pioneer of this technology.

还有前置相机And then there's the front camera.

说实话 我们刚刚设计的时候打算把前置相机不要了To tell the truth I wanted to get rid of it in the first place.

觉得也没有那么多人喜欢自拍I thought that not so many people liked to take selfies.

但是我们在讨论的时候觉得不能去But then we decided that we can't do this 为什么不能去呢?因为现在的视频电话越来越普及because more and more people use video calls.

所以这个功能非常的重要That's why this feature is so important.

最后我们给前置相机找个好地方In the end, we decided to put the front camera 把它放到了右下角in the bottom right corner.

为什么要放到右下角呢?Why did we do this? 我这个右下角下面啊Down there we also have 第一个有这个屏幕的PCB板the display's printed circuit board, 第二个的话有电线 还有喇叭the connector, and the speaker.

没办法 这几个东西都挺大的 塞在下面了All these things are big, we just had to squeeze them into the chin.

后来我就在想 索性下面这个边我去不掉Then I thought, if we can't lose the chin, 能不能把相机也做在里面why can't we put the camera there? 要把相机放里面 我们原来的相机是放不进去了But it's so big, that we wold have sacrificed the rear camera to do that.

后来我们专门设计了一个定制的前置相机That's why we created a custom front-facing camera 它的体积比原来的相机小了一半which is 50% smaller compared to its predecessors.

大家看看 它小了一半Look, it's just a half of what we had.

这样就塞在了右下角This thing was a perfect fit.

拿着这个相机自拍是不是很酷啊?Isn't it cool to take selfies with this phone? 我第一反应是不习惯At first it felt unusual to me, 后来我找了一些同学试了试 大家觉得还行but as we kept using it with my colleagues we got used to it.

但是更多的同学觉得不习惯But even more colleagues couldn't.

当然没关系 我们可以旋转过来自拍就行了No problem here, though.

Just rotate the phone.

这样没有关系嘛This is how we're all used to it, isn't it? 其实你也不用分这个手机哪个是上部哪个是下部It doesn't really matter where's up and where's down in this phone.

你要是不习惯上面你就把它倒过来用就可以了 好不好Turn it upside down, and all the problems will be solved.

所以我们支持了旋转的拍照That's the rotating selfie camera.

屏幕圆角Edgeless design.

屏幕圆角是个难度吗?是个难题吗?Is it a difficult thing to do? 屏幕圆角真的是个难题It really is.

你们看看我们的工业造型在这边Look at how phones are made today.

工业造型是圆角矩形Their frames are rounded.

今天所有的手机都是圆角矩形All the phones today come with rounded corners.

但它的边框是矩形的时候Isn't that a challenge 如果屏幕用长方形的屏幕会有一个什么问题的呢?for the right-angled displays? 你们看看那个角上 它有留一定的边距Look, there's a certain amount of frame on top of the display's corner, 否则它的边框没有强度 很容易摔坏otherwise the display will be too easy to break.

它要保持最低的宽度的时候呢This tiny distance grows larger 到这边的时候呢 黑边就非常的宽 屏占比很差and turns into a huge bezel when we move away from the corner along the border.

为这个问题我们很痛苦We thought a lot about this 最后我们跟屏厂的工程师一起商量with our manufacturing engineers 花了很多的时间 我们干了一件事and decided to do this: 把边切掉了 把上面的角切了we got rid of the bezels and made the display 直接做成了圆角的屏幕with rounded corners.

这个屏酷吗?Cool, right? 这样我们的整个边框变窄了Thus, the borders got narrower, 整个屏幕的屏占比得以进一步地提高and screen-to-body ratio increased.

其实切这个缘边不是很容易 圆角啊Rounding the display corners wasn't easy at all, 也花了很大的心思it took us a long time.

可能很多人说这样我的屏幕Perhaps many people would think the phone 是不是显示内容少了那么几个点will show less content because of the lost pixels.

其实在我们手机的软件However, on the software side of the phone, 我们都把屏幕已经做成默认的圆角了the corners were rounded by default.

本来那个角上就没有什么显示的It wasn't supposed to show you anything there.

大家看看你的屏幕Take a look at your screens: 其实左上角跟右上角都做成圆形的了the corners are rounded by software 是用软件模拟的 因为这样视觉上会更美for a more beautiful effect.

我们把你们不用的几个点切除了We removed the pixels you didn't need 这样的话使屏幕能更好地跟边框融为了一整体and the overall viewing experience 屏占比就变大了as well as screen-to-body ratio improved.


3% 我们是下了很多的功夫It took us a lot of effort to achieve 91.

3%, 才一点一点的把它做到这个水平and we got to this level one step at a time.

虚拟按键Soft keys.

为了进一步提高屏占比 我们采用了虚拟按键To increase screen-to-body ratio, we used soft keys 这样的话又可以省一点点面积so we could save a bit more space.

虚拟按键有很多优势有很多缺点They have a lot of pros and cons.

其中的一个缺点是它会占屏幕的内容Major disadvantage is that they steal the space from content.

如果在屏幕里面放虚拟按键With soft keys on board, 整个屏幕的屏占比就变成 明明16:9的屏幕变成15:9screen ratio goes from 16:9 to down to 15:9.

这次的话 我们又多了一点定制We made an improvement here too.

我们在下面加了一条 作为屏幕按键We've added some screen space 整个屏幕还是16:9so that it stays 16:9 even with soft keys 这样的话 你的整个视野会更开阔and you can see more content.

而且我们还支持了悬浮球We also have Quick ball 这个悬浮球的操作也可以支持自动隐藏which hides automatically to give you a larger viewing area.

所以为了做全面屏我们做了一系列的技术创新To create edgeless design, we explored new frontiers in technology.

刚才讲到的五个点只是技术创新的一部分The five innovations I've just talked about 还有很多的难点are just a small part of this journey.

在这个发布会上我就不一一展开讲了I won't tell you everything, 展开讲的话 很容变成好像在讲课or this event might as well turn into a lecture 我相信大家也没兴趣and you'll get bored.

但是我想跟大家讲这个全面屏I just wanted to show you that creating such a phone 远不是把全面板全部做成屏那么简单isn't just about the screen.

谈到这么好的全面屏With such a magnificent edgeless display, 我们需要什么样的机身来配合呢?how high does the build quality has to be? 今年年初 我们率先 也是全球率先采用了3D陶瓷后盖In the beginning of this year we were one of the first to use 3D ceramic back cover.

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很受欢迎People liked it a lot.

到今天为止 小米5s发布的时候When we launched Mi 5s they told us 很多人说我不要金属版 我要陶瓷版that they'd actually prefer the ceramic body, not metal.

弄得我压力很大A lot of pressure for me.

这次在做MIX的时候 我们干了一件更夸张的事情We went even further with Mi MIX, 采用了全陶瓷机身and introduce the full ceramic body today! 好 我们来一起看一下Let's take a look.


5D的陶瓷后盖There's a 2.

5D ceramic back, 用了陶瓷边框 是一整个边框a ceramic frame, 还用了陶瓷按键and also ceramic buttons.

除了全面板以外全部都是陶瓷的Except for the screen, everything is ceramic.

你们知道这个有多夸张吗?Do you know how amazing this is? 陶瓷的材质非常非常好Ceramic is a great material.

精密陶瓷的话 亮丽轻盈 坚固耐磨High precision ceramic is shiny and wear-resistant.

它的耐磨度是不锈钢的4倍以上It's 4 times more durable than stainless steel 而且它的表层像珍珠一样闪烁and it has this pearly shine.

它不容易刮伤 也不容易失去光泽It's hard to scratch, and it doesn't lose its luster.

这种陶瓷既是一个很古老的工艺This is an extremely old material, 也是个很现代的工艺and yet it's very modern.

但是要做今天的精度 它的成本是极为恐怖的And it takes the overall cost of the product high up.

在制作的过程中我们发现了第2个问题The second problem we came across with was how hard ceramic is.

它的材质非常非常的硬So hard that it was difficult 使后盖和边框粘胶的时候非常地困难 很难连接to connect the back cover and the frame.

我们试了很多种方式We tried a lot of ways to do that, 最后 我们一个工程师提了个想法and then one of our engineers came up with an idea.

他说能不能用传统建筑中的工艺 榫卯He said, why not use tenon joints, just like in the traditional Chinese buildings? 就是不需要螺钉 不需要胶 直接给它榫卯在一起No need for glues or screws, just join the parts directly.

后来我们试了一下And it worked.

这样完成了陶瓷后盖跟陶瓷中框的衔接All parts connected seamlessly.


3%高屏占比 6.

4寸的大屏With 91.

3% screen-to-body ratio, 6.

4-inch display, 再加上全陶瓷机身and fill ceramic body 拿着的时候真的像科幻产品一样Mi MIX looks like it's a part of a sci-fi movie.

看到这么一块黑色的玻璃的时候This black piece of glass 几乎没有任何装饰isn't decorated in any way, 它仿佛是来自未来的设计its design is truly futuristic.

像这样极简的一个作品是谁设计的呢?Who created this minimalist work of art? 菲利普·斯塔克Philippe Starck, 这是一个全球知名的设计大师设计的a world-renown guru of design.

但是我第一次看到这个名字的时候呢 是看到了这个作品I heard his name for the first time when I saw this.

就是乔布斯的私人游艇是请他设计的Steve Jobs's yacht was designed by Philippe.

法国总统的官邸The interiors in François Mitterrand's residence 当年的前总统密特朗请他设计了“爱丽舍宫”的室内设计in Élysée Palace were also designed by him.

所以大家仔细想一想The very fact that both Steve Jobs and the President of France 无论是乔布斯还是法国总统都邀请他来做设计both ask him to create things 这说明他在整个设计领域里面的影响力和位置reaffirms his influence in the world of design.

他在设计的时候提出了非常多的设计主张He put forward a lot of groundbreaking ideas in his works 菲律普·斯塔克18岁开始就非常有名 18岁就开始出名and had been already acknowledged at the age of 18.

这个活跃设计界四五十年时间During the 40-50 years of his prolific career 他影响了整个设计界he influenced the whole industry.

我听我们的co-founder黎万强–阿黎说I heard our co-founder Alee say 他当年学设计的时候that when he studied design himself 里面讲的案例都是菲律普·斯塔克的设计a lot of Philippe Starck's works were textbook cases.

菲律普·斯塔克他有几个很重要的设计理念Philippe has several important design principles.

比如说他提倡民主设计For example, he advocates for democratic design.

什么叫民主设计?What is democratic design? 他说 “我沉迷于改进设计品质 降低零售价He says that he's addicted to improving design quality and lowering retail prices 这样的话使每个人都可以很轻松地获得我的作品”so that everyone has access to the results of his work.

他说“我每次这样做的时候 产品都卖得非常好”Every time he does this, products get very popular.

于是乎同行不得不跟进As a result, peers have to catch up 这样整个市场上又好又便宜的作品就越来越多and more and more inexpensive high-quality products appear on the market.

这一点其实跟小米的想法不谋而同This goes in like with Xiaomi's philosophy.

小米在过去的这几年里面During last few years 一直坚持做感动人心 价格厚道的产品we did our best to create both exciting and affordable products.

我们希望科技不是奢侈品 科技能够走入千家万户We don't think that technology is luxury.

It should belong to everyone.

每个都有机会享受科技的乐趣 其实就是民主设计Everyone should be able to experience its joy.

This is what democratic design is about.

这也是我们为什么跟菲律普·斯塔克Democratic design is 就MIX的设计一拍即合的主要原因 就是民主设计why we needed Philippe for Mi MIX.

在民主设计里面 他的代表作是什么样的一个作品呢?What are the masterpieces of democratic design created by Philippe? 大家仔细看Take a look.

见过路易斯幽灵椅吗?Ever seen a Louis Ghost chair? 非常非常的漂亮It's really beautiful.

其实材质非常简单 就是亚克力的塑料做了一把椅子The material is very simple: it's just transparent polycarbonate.

这样顶级的设计师用压克力塑料就能做这样的作品The fact that this master uses such a simple material to create this chair 所以材质不是第一位的 设计师的用心才是最重要的proves that it's not the material that matters most, it's the designer's heart.

第二个 他也是极简设计的倡导者Philippe Starck is also committed to minimalist design.

去掉多余的元素 去掉多余的颜色 多余的图案By removing unnecessary elements, colors, and patterns, 用最少的 最简洁的设计做最好的产品he creates the best products using the bare minimum.

这样的话 这种设计思想就有点像哲学思想It's almost like philosophy: 就是“少就是多”Less is more.

这种设计造就了最简洁和优雅的线条This design creates the most simple and elegant lines.

关于MIX的设计As for Mi MIX, 我们也请他拍了一个视频we made a video about Philippe's vision 来介绍一下他是如何设计MIX手机的of this phone.

菲利普·斯塔克设计了这么优雅的作品That's the beautiful phone Philippe Starck designed for us.

今天他也到了发布会现场He's also here with us today.

下面我们掌声邀请世界设计大师菲利普·斯塔克Give it for Philippe Starck! 今天来了非常多的小米的粉丝,We have a lot of Mi Fans here today, 也有不少是你的粉丝and a lot of fans of your work as well.

你想跟他们说点什么吗?Can you say a few words to them? 我们要不要看一下Do you want to look at 菲利普·斯塔克设计的MIX的真机啊the actual phone which Philippe designed? 我们去拿一个Let's bring one out.

哇 真的很壮观Wow, it's really spectacular! 这是不是大家见过的 屏占比最高的手机啊?Isn't it the biggest screen-to-body ratio you've ever seen? 菲利浦·斯塔克本人也非常喜欢陶瓷的材质Philippe himself likes ceramic a lot.

所以在一年多前推动了我们做全陶瓷的机身More than a year ago, that inspired us to create a full ceramic body.

这就是我们今天发布的MIX小米概念手机This is Mi MIX, our concept phone.

这个概念手机呢It has a 6.

4-inch screen 有6.

4寸的全面屏 也有全陶瓷机身and full ceramic body.

同时作为一款 旗舰手机的话Being a flagship device, 它同样拥有极为彪悍的配置Mi MIX has all the impressive specs you need: 它也用了晓龙821的性能版2.

35GHz Snapdragon 821 CPU, 支持4G+128GB大容量存储,4GB RAM and 128GB storage, 1600万像素PDAF的相机16MP PDAF camera, HD高清音质HD sound quality, 高精度的定位high-precision GPS, 4400mAh 大电池 快充3.

0a 4400mAh battery with Quick Charge 3.


我们除此以外 还有一个尊享版Besides that, we also have a special limited edition.

它怎么尊享呢?In what way is it special? 第一件事情 终于完成了一种新材质的尝试First, we finally tried a new material – 18K金18K gold.

因为现在有很多金色的手机啊Today there are lots of gold colored phones, but that's not real gold.

那不是真的金We wanted to see 我们就萌发一个想象说我们试一下真金会怎么样?how real gold looks on a device.

所以跟斯塔克先生商量以后We talked with Mr.

Starck 我们出了尊享版 试了一下18K镀金and decided to use 18K gold in our limited edition.

看来呢 比金色的在铝壳上做金色要吸引人很多啊Looks like it will attract more people compared to gold colored aluminum phones.

而且我们还专门设计了真皮的保护壳We also designed a leather case for it.

是欧洲进口ecco的头层牛皮啊 这个皮质非常好We use European premium ecco leather, 1块牛皮的皮子 只能做不到五十个保护套and we can make only 50 cases from the leather coming from 1 animal.

这个保护壳我们也是We produce it at the same factory 委托iPhone的保护壳的代工厂来制作的where Apple makes its leather cases for the iPhones.

制作非常的精致The quality is really high.

这个皮质的感觉也极为出色 定价的话299元This leather case costs 299 CNY.

这个包装呢 也是非常精致的包装The packaging is also premium 这种打开式 非常精致的包装and looks gorgeous.

在每一个包装盒里都附赠299元的真皮保护套We've also included a free leather case in every package.

我们录了一段视频Here's a video 请我们整个产品研发过程背后的工程师where our engineers 来讲一讲做小米概念手机的故事tell you the story behind Mi MIX.

How will phones look in the future? Maybe phones of the future will be just the screen or transparent glass.

Maybe phones of the future will be just the screen or transparent glass.

Can I get a bigger screen? And even bigger? We see some things in films and sci-fi movies.

They all look impossible.

Unbelieveable edgeless design Most phones on the market today have a screen-to-body ratio of nearly 70%.

Unbelieveable edgeless design Most phones on the market today have a screen-to-body ratio of nearly 70%.

But Mi MIX has 91.


The requirement for us was to make a screen without openings.

We had a lot of challenges with edgeless design.

Including these: What should we do with proximity sensor? What should we do with ambient light sensor? What about the receiver? All these are interdisciplinary problems.

We got rid of the traditional receiver and infrared sensor.

Our first thought was to replace it with piezoelectric ceramic.

Our first thought was to replace it with piezoelectric ceramic.

Mi MIX is the first phone that uses cantilever piezoelectric ceramic acoustic technology.

Electric signal is converted to mechanical energy which makes the frame vibrate and generate the sound which goes into your ear.

And this complex process gives better sound! Infrared sensors get interference from the surrounding temperature and lighting.

Ultrasound isn't affected by this at all.

We created the front-facing camera which is twice smaller than regular front cameras.

We made a custom 6.

4-inch screen with 17:9 aspect ratio.

Full ceramic body Microcrystal zirconia ceramic used in Mi MIX is the material with the hardness second only to sapphire.

Full ceramic body Microcrystal zirconia ceramic used in Mi MIX is the material with the hardness second only to sapphire.

From the back cover and the frame to buttons on the side, everything but the screen in this phone is ceramic.

Neither metal nor plastic can top this jade-like texture.

Each furnace has the capacity for 5,000 pieces which are heated at 1500 degrees during a week.

It means that we can see the results in 10 days.

If anything goes wrong, all 5,000 pieces go to waste.

We are challenged both by immature technology and the demands of mass production.

Tenon joints used in the traditional Chinese architecture allow us to create a seamless monolithic structure.

The first one of its kind, for sure.

When more than 2 million pixels light up at the same time and colors fill the screen from edge to edge, it feels like every cell of your body gets excited.

For a R&D engineer seeing this phone is like seeing your own child.

Perhaps, the phone we've created will show us the road to the future.

But the world is worth exploring in every direction.

The fact that you can't do it today doesn't mean you can't do it tomorrow.

A special engineer At first, making Mi MIX didn't even seem possible to me.

At first, making Mi MIX didn't even seem possible to me.

At first, making Mi MIX didn't even seem possible to me.

I didn't even ask them to think about mass production in the beginning.

We needed to try hard, challenge ourselves, make breakthroughs.

Behind all the innovations is a group of young people and talented engineers from all over the world.

They were driven by their passion to make the best piece of technology in the world real.

I really hope that Xiaomi will always be the coolest company in the eyes of our Mi Fans.

在今天发布的这几款产品背后呢Behind the products we launch today 真的有一群非常非常优秀的工程师are the engineers who are extremely talented.

是他们默默地工作We don't see how they work, but it's their enormous effort 今天才使我在台上能够如此自豪地介绍我们的产品which allow me to talk about our products on this stage with such pride.

每次跟他们交流的时候Every time I speak to them, 我都觉得他们是这个世界上最可爱的人I think they are the brightest humans on this planet.

小米在创办之初 就汇聚了一群这样的年轻人From the very start, Xiaomi gathered this group of daring young people together.

他们有激情 他们不怕辛苦They are passionate, they aren't afraid of challenges, 他们一直在挑战技术的极限they keep pushing the boundaries of technology.

过去五年 小米对性能极致的追求During the last five years Xiaomi's standards of price and performance 对性价比极致的追求 影响和改变了整个手机行业have influenced and changed the whole mobile phone industry.

我相信未来 小米会用对科技的追求I hope that in the future we'll be able to change the industry again 对工艺的追求再次影响和改变整个行业by pushing the boundaries of technology and build quality.

在这里我要代表小米全体员工On behalf of all my Xiaomi colleagues, 感谢为小米所有作品默默贡献的所有的工程师I'd like to thank every engineer whose work is behind our products.

谢谢大家Thank you! 这就是我们今天发布的小米MIX 也是超长的配置表This is one great specs sheet for Mi MIX! 但是大家只需要记住All you have to remember is 全面屏 全陶瓷机身 还有18K金edgeless design, full ceramic body, and 18K gold.

这款手机最贵最贵的不是旗舰配置Breakneck specs aren't the most expensive here, 其实是这个全陶瓷机身a lot of the price went into the ceramic body, 全部加起来人民币1000多元more than 1000 CNY, to be precise.

所以这个价钱绝对便宜不了啊That's why it can't be as cheap.

4GB+128GB的版本3499元3499 CNY for the 4GB+128GB version 6GB+256GB, 18K金的版本是3999元and 3999 CNY for the 6GB+256GB version with 18K gold rims.

这就是我们今天发布的小米MIXThat's Mi MIX, 一部来自未来的手机the phone from the future, 它是小米概念手机our concept phone.

今天我们的发布会介绍了三款产品We've announced 3 products today: 一款是小米Note 2双曲面商务旗舰Two-side dual curved flagship Mi Note 2 今天晚上开始预约will be available for pre-orders tonight 11月1号开始发售 2799元and will go on sale on November 1 for 2799 CNY, 第二款产品是小米VR眼镜的正式版Mi VR will go to public beta this November 11月初开始公测 199元and will cost 199 CNY, 小米MIX全面屏概念手机 11月4号开始发售 3499元and edgeless Mi MIX will go on sale on November 4 for 3499 CNY.

希望大家关注小米商城和小米之家Products will be available on mi.

Com and in Mi Homes.

这就是我们今天要发布的三款产品These are the three products we launch today.

最后 整个发布会就到了尾声Today's event is about to end, 按照国际惯例的就是送礼的时间and finally it's the time for gifts.

感谢各位所有到场的米粉 媒体和合作伙伴I would like to thank our Mi Fans, media colleagues, and partners.

谢谢大家!Thank you all! 今天的礼品是由小米生态链企业赞助You'll take home with you one of our ecosystem products – 送每个人一台小米空气净化器2代一台Mi Air Purifier 2.

今天的发布会到这里结束了That's it for today.

谢谢所有的来宾 谢谢朋友们 谢谢大家Thank you for being here!.

Source: Youtube

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