Chinese smartphone maker Vivo has collaborated with fashion designer Manish Malhotra launched “Infinite Red” Vivo V7+ limited edition smartphone targeting millennials in India. The selfie-focused flagship smartphone with 24MP front shooter features a heart-shaped motif at the back. Priced at Rs 22,990, the device will be available in all offline stores across India and on Amazon.
“With the launch of V7+ Manish Malhotra Limited edition, we are providing an opportunity for consumers to express their love in a more elegant and captivating manner,” Kenny Zeng, CMO, Vivo India, said in a statement.
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The device was launched in champagne gold and matte black coloured variants in September.
“I am happy to collaborate with Vivo and present the V7+. We have created a phone that symbolises the spirit of youth and infinite love,” Malhotra, said in a statement.
Vivo V7+ is company’s first phone with an 18:9 aspect ratio with ‘Full View‘ display.
A high point of the device is 24MP selfie camera with an aperture of f/2.0 and flash. The phone sports a 5.99-inch IPS display (1440×720 pixels) in a unibody metal body.
There are 4GB RAM and 64GB internal storage that can be expanded up to 256GB via a dedicated memory card slot. The device is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 chipset.