After Successful launching Carvaan, Saregama India on Monday unveiled the Saregama Carvaan Mini, a new sleek and portable Bluetooth speaker at Rs. 2,490. The Saregama Carvaan Mini is targeting people who want to carry their music with them while moving, the Carvaan Mini, is a Bluetooth speaker that comes loaded with 251 retro Hindi songs. Compared to the Carvaan that is priced at Rs. Rs. 5,990, the Carvaan Mini can be bought for Rs. 2,490 in a choice of Red or Blue colours from, Amazon and retail stores like Croma and Reliance Digital.
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Saregama Carvaan Mini Features
The Saregama Carvaan Mini is smaller in size as compared to the original saregama Carvaan. Design wise, the Carvaan Mini ditches the classic portable radio look of the original. Instead, one side of the miniature speaker is entirely covered with a grille. The side sees buttons for Saregama mode, USB, and Bluetooth.
The Carvaan Mini comes preloaded with a collection of 251 songs by Mohammed Rafi, Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle and Mukesh. Users can also stream music via their phones or one can even plug in a pen drive or listen to the preloaded songs collection by Mohammed Rafi, Kishore Kumar, Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle and Mukesh. For connectivity, the Carvaan Mini has got a Bluetooth 4.1, USB 2.0 and an AUX in port. It has got a rechargeable battery built-in, which the company claims can last between four to five hours.
“Carvaan Mini is for those music lovers who want to listen to music anywhere anytime. Along with 251 greatest songs selected based on data analytics, Carvaan Mini also doubles up as a personal music player with its USB and Bluetooth functionality. For today’s youth music is an essential and a personal part of life; and Mini positions itself comfortably in this space,” Vikram Mehra, Managing Director, Saregama says.
To recall, the original Saregama had earlier launched Carvaan, a digital audio player, that came with 5000 plus retro Hindi songs preloaded on the device and a remote control. The speaker had a chunky box design that recalled the classic speaker look for nostalgia. It also had an FM feature which the Carvaan Mini misses out on.