Zen Mobiles announced the launch of the Zen Admire Unity in India with a price tag of Rs. 5,099. The new smartphone includes multiple regional languages to target first-time smartphone users in the country. The Zen Admire Unity comes with a 365-day replacement offer under which Zen Mobiles will provide customers with a replacement if their handset is not repaired within 15 days. Furthermore, the company is touted to provide its service through over 750 Zen care centres across the country.
Zen Admire Unity Features
The dual-SIM Zen Admire Unity runs Android 7.0 Nougat and has a 5-inch FWVGA 480×854 pixels display. The handset is powered by a quad-core SoC coupled with 1GB of RAM. Zen Admire Unity has a 5-megapixel rear camera with autofocus (AF) lens and an LED flash. On the front, the smartphone has a 2-megapixel camera. It comes with 8GB of inbuilt storage that is expandable via microSD card (up to 32GB). Connectivity options on the Zen Admire Unity include 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, A-GPS, Micro-USB, and a 3.5mm audio jack. Besides, it packs a 2300mAh battery that’s a removable one.
The Zen Admire Unity comes preloaded with apps such as Amazon Prime Video, Vistoso, Go2Pay, Chillx and Zen Store as well as games like Bubble Bash 3, Modern Combat 4 and Motocross: Trial Extreme. There is a GIF app to let users animate their memories, and a panorama feature is available to give an expanded view.
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