Indian Mobile manufacture Micromax has launched two new affordable 4G VoLTE smartphones On Monday- Micromax Bharat 3, Bharat 4 – at a price of Rs. 4,499 and Rs. 4,999 in India. Both new smartphones come with features like the Smart Key for to take screenshots, 22 Indian languages support, OTG support, and run on the latest Android Nougat. According to Micromax,  both new Bharat series smartphones will be made available through the offline stores in the country starting Monday.
Micromax Bharat 3 Features
Micromax Bharat 3 is dual-SIM smartphone runs Android 7.0 out-of-the-box and sports a 4.5-inch display with a resolution of 480×854 pixels comes with 2.5D curved glass. The Micromax Bharat 3Â is powered by a 1.3GHz MediaTek MT6737 Quad Core processor coupled with 1GB of RAM with 8GB of built-in storage, which is further expandable up to 32GB via a microSD card.
- Quad Core Processor
- 4.5 FWVGA Screen
- 5MP Rear Camara With Flash
- 5MP Selfie Camara
Bharat 3 is equipped with a 5-megapixel rear and 5-megapixel front camera with LED flash with aperture f/2.4 and autofocus.
The Micromax Bharat 3 and is powered by a 2000mAh removable battery. The connectivity options offered by the handset include Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, USB OTG, and 4G connectivity.
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Micromax Bharat 4 Features
The Micromax Bharat 4, the dual-SIM smartphone runs Android 7.0 out-of-the-box and sports a 5-inch HD display with a screen resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels with 2.5D curved glass. The handset is powered by a 1.3GHz MediaTek MT6737 Quad Core processor coupled with 1GB of RAM. Just like the Micromax Bharat 3, the Micromax Bharat 4 comes with a primary 5-megapixel rear camera and a 5-megapixel front-facing shooter for taking selfies.
The Micromax Bharat 4 comes with 16GB of built-in storage, which is further expandable up to 32GB via a microSD card. The Micromax Bharat 4 and is powered by a 2500mAh removable battery, which the brand claims to provide 6-7 hours of talk time. The connectivity options offered by the handset include Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth, USB OTG, and 4G connectivity.
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