Xiaomi recently announced the Mi Power Bank 2 along with Mi Wi-Fi Repeater 2 (Wi-Fi signal expander) and Mi Bluetooth Speaker Mini. All the three devices were announced quietly by Xiaomi India and listed on the Mi India website early last June. While the latter two are Mi India exclusive devices, Xiaomi had announced that the Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 would be available over e-commerce portals in the country though no specific timeline was suggested. Nearly a month post the original launch, the power bank will up for sale on e-commerce portals in the country starting tomorrow.
Mi Power Bank 2 – 10000mAh
The New 10000mAh Mi Power Bank 2 comes with two-way fast charging, with high-density batteries in a thin anodised aluminium casing. New Power Bank easily slips into your pocket. According to the Xiaomi, Mi Power Bank 2 comes with nine layers of circuit chip protection including temperature protection, input/output over-voltage protection, hardware-level short circuit protection, and output over-current protection. The 10000mAh Mi Power Bank 2 will be available in Black from June 20 via Mi.com and Mi Home, at Rs. 1,199. It will also be available via Amazon India and Flipkart from July 7. The 10,000mAh power bank 2 is 14.1mm thin.
Mi Power Bank 2 – 20000mAh
The New 20000mAh Mi Power Bank 2 has dual USB outputs, two-way fast charging and weighs Just 330.5 grammes. Similar to the 10000mAh Mi Power Bank 2, there is small device support that can be used to charge low power devices such as Bluetooth headsets or fitness bands by double pressing the power button. 20000mAh Mi Power Bank 2 will be available in black on Mi.com and Mi Home, at Rs 2199 from June 20, 2017. It will also be available on Amazon and Flipkart from July 07, 2017. The 20,000mAh power bank 2 is 23.9mm thin.
Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2 takes 6.2 hours to completely charge (for the larger 20,000mAh version) on a fast OEM charger whereas, on slow charge, the device can take up to 10 hours to reach full charge and 4.2 hours to charge (smaller, 10,000mAh charger) on 18W charger and up to 6.2 hours on a slower 10W charger.  Both the portable charges are approved by airlines (as stated on Mi India) and can be carried even during flight journeys.