Maruti Suzuki has finally launched its compact crossover, the Ignis, in the Indian market. While the prices start at Rs 4.59 lakh for the base variant, it goes all the way up to Rs 7.8 lakh for the top-end variants (both prices ex-showroom, Delhi). We have already compared the specifications of the Ignis with its competitors, the KUV100, Grand i10 and the Swift. And you might already be aware of the class-leading features of the Ignis. However, is the Ignis value for money? And, for the same amount of money, what do the competitors have on offer? We compare each variant of the Ignis with the variants of the competitors, offered around the same price.
Priced at Rs 4.59 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi), the Sigma is the entry level variant and is only being offered with a petrol engine. Features like manual air conditioner, front power windows, dual airbags and ABS are offered with the Sigma.
Also Read : Maruti Suzuki Ignis VS Maruti Swift Vs Baleno – Fuel Efficiency Comparison
Other petrol hatchbacks like the K2 variant of the Mahindra KUV100 (Rs 4.58 lakh), Era variant of the Grand i10 (Rs 4.91 lakh) and the Lxi variant of the Swift (Rs 4.76 lakh) have similar prices as the Sigma, which also offer basic features like a manual air conditioner. While the Grand i10 comes with front power windows, the KUV100 and Swift miss it. However, the KUV100 does offer features like a rear spoiler, roof rails, an optional third seat in the front row, ABS and also has optional dual airbags. The Swift and the Grand i10 don’t come equipped with ABS. Although the Grand i10 has a chrome finish on the radiator grille, only a single airbag is offered with it.
In additional to the features offered with the Sigma, the Delta gets some added features like ORVM-mounted indicators, dual-tone interiors, an audio system paired with two speakers and steering-mounted controls. The Delta variant is being offered with both petrol and diesel engines and you can also choose between manual and automatic transmissions. So, the Delta is being offered in a total of four combinations: manual petrol (Rs 5.19 lakh), AMT petrol (Rs 5.74 lakh), manual diesel (Rs 6.39 lakh) and AMT diesel (Rs 6.94 lakh).
As far as the competitors are concerned, no other cars offer an automatic transmission with a diesel engine in this segment. However, the Grand i10 offers a four-speed automatic transmission with a petrol engine in its top Asta variant and is priced at Rs 6.85 lakh. So if you are looking for an affordable diesel/petrol automatic car in this segment, the Ignis is the car for you. The Ignis Delta petrol AMT is almost one lakh cheaper than the Grand i10 petrol automatic.
Petrol variants of other cars with a manual transmission like KUV100 K4 (Rs 5.1 lakh), Grand i10 Magna (Rs 5.18 lakh) and the Swift Lxi optional (Rs 4.81 lakh) have a similar price as the Delta manual petrol (Rs 5.19 lakh). The Ignis Delta is the most expensive among the four cars but has more equipment. Except for the Ignis, none of the other cars have an audio system and speakers. Apart from the optional dual airbags offered in the KUV100, the Swift and Grand i10 miss the front passenger airbags. The Ignis and the Grand i10 have electrically adjustable ORVMs; however, the Grand i10 is the only car in this segment to feature rear AC vents.
Also Read : Maruti Suzuki Ignis – What Variant is your First Choice?
The Ignis Delta diesel with manual transmission is priced at Rs 6.39 lakh and other diesel cars with manual transmission like the Mahindra KUV100 K4+ (Rs 6.17lakh), Grand i10 Magna (Rs 6.06 lakh) and the Swift Ldi (Rs 5.97 lakh) are priced similarly.
The Diesel variants also have similar features like the petrol variants mentioned above in the Ignis Delta petrol comparison.
Like the Delta, the Zeta also offers both the petrol and diesel engines with manual/automatic transmissions. However additional features like fog lamps, push-button start, electrically folding ORVMs and alloy wheels are offered with the Zeta.
Priced at Rs 5.75 lakh, the Zeta manual petrol competes with the KUV100 K6+ (Rs 5.91 lakh), Grand i10 Sport (Rs 5.64 lakh) and the Swift Vxi (Rs 5.52 lakh). If we talk about the Zeta manual diesel, it has a price tag of Rs 6.91 lakh and competes with the KUV100 K6+ (Rs 6.82 lakh), Grand i10 Sport (Rs 6.52 lakh) and the Swift Vdi (Rs 6.44 lakh).
The KUV100 doesn’t feature fog lamps and alloy wheels. However, the KUV100 and Grand i10 do have a cooled glove box which will come handy during highway travels. The Swift and the Grand i10 have electrically folding ORVMs and fog lamps, but, among the four cars, only the Ignis offers push-button start.
Alpha is the top variant and comes with distinguishing features like LED projector headlamps with daytime running lamps, reverse camera, 7-inch touchscreen infotainment with Apple Car Play and Android Auto and automatic climate control. It is offered with both petrol and diesel engines; however, it is not available with an AMT transmission.
While the Alpha petrol is priced at Rs 6.69 lakh and competes with the cars like KUV100 K8 (Rs 6.25 lakh), Grand i10 Asta (Rs 6.1 lakh) and the Swift Zxi (Rs 6.37 lakh), the diesel version of the Alpha is priced at Rs 7.80 lakh and competes with the KUV100 K8 (Rs 7.16 lakh), Grand i10 Asta (Rs 6.99 lakh) and the Swift Zdi (Rs 7.44 lakh).
The Ignis is priced quite higher as compared to other three cars. The KUV100, Grand i10 and the Swift do offer sufficient features for their price tag. However, if you want features that have never been seen in this segment before, the Ignis does make a strong case for itself.
Source : Car Dekho